Elizabeth WOD

FOR TIME: 21-15-9 reps of squat cleans (135/95lb) and ring dips

What is the Elizabeth WOD?

The Elizabeth WOD is one of the original Crossfit Girl WODs. For time, athletes must complete 21-15-9 reps of squat cleans (135/95lb) and ring dips. Elizabeth is a Crossfit benchmark WOD used to assess an athlete’s progress over time.

Both movements – squat cleans and ring dips – are technically challenging so it’s important to spend plenty of time working on the technical aspects. The intention is for this workout to be performed at speed, but this should not be done at the expense of good form.

When the Elizabeth WOD was first created squat cleans were used as the original RX, however, some people allow squat cleans or power cleans as RX. Be sure to check with your coach if you’re unsure. Scaling options for the cleans: reduce the weight or switch to medicine ball cleans. Scaling options for the ring dips: banded ring dips, jumping ring dips, bar dips or push-ups.

Tips for the Elizabeth WOD

  • Master both movements. Good technique helps with both form and speed.
  • Avoid going to failure. Break up the reps as required, especially on the ring dips.
  • Don’t be afraid to scale down the weight. Remember the idea is for this workout to be done at speed.