Nicole WOD

AMRAP: As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes: 400-meter run and max reps pull-ups

What is the Nicole WOD?

The Nicole WOD is one of the Crossfit Girl WODs. Athletes must complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes: 400-meter run and max reps pull-ups. The score is the total number of unbroken pull-ups completed across all rounds in the 20 minutes. Nicole is a Crossfit benchmark WOD used to assess an athlete’s progress over time.

With just two movements — running and pull-ups — Nicole is a straightforward CrossFit workout, however, your arms will tire quickly from the pull-ups, so the 400-meter run needs to be used sensibly. Remember that your total score is only based on your number of pull-ups, so while a slower run will help you recover, it will also reduce the amount of time you have to do pull-ups.

If you’re unable to run then that can be substituted with rowing or the assault bike. Pull-ups can be scaled to where you are currently at with your progressions, such as banded pull-ups or jumping pull-ups.

Tips for the Nicole WOD

  • Pace the run based on your ability. Strong runners can leverage this for more time on pull-ups, however, don’t go too fast that you’re only able to string together a low number of reps.
  • Stop before you get to failure on the pull-ups. Remember this is a 20-minute workout and you don’t want your arms to burn out early.
  • Scale the movement if required.