Amanda WOD

FOR TIME: 9-7-5 reps of muscle-ups and squat snatches (135/95lb)

What is the Amanda Workout?

The Amanda WOD is one of the Crossfit Girl WODs. Athletes must complete for time: 9-7-5 reps of muscle-ups and squat snatches (135/95lb). Amanda is a Crossfit benchmark WOD used to assess an athlete’s progress over time.

With two highly technical movements – the gymnastics movement of the muscle-up and the Olympic lift movement of the squat snatch – the Amanda WOD is one of the more complex and challenging CrossFit workouts. Designed to be a sprint, elite CrossFit athletes can complete the WOD in less than 4 minutes.

Both movements can be scaled. For muscle-ups: jumping muscle-ups or mix muscle-ups with pull-ups and dips. (Ask your coach how they recommend doing this). For snatch squats: reduce the weight or switch to a hang squat snatch or hang snatch.

Tips for the Amanda Workout

  • Perfect your technique. The workout is all about speed, so a strong technique will help with efficiency
  • Break up the reps as needed. Avoid going to failure
  • Scale the movement/weight if required