FOR TIME: 9-7-5 reps of muscle-ups and squat snatches (135/95lb)
What is the Amanda Workout?
“Amanda” is one of the challenging CrossFit benchmark workouts, known as “The Girls.” This workout combines two complex movements: muscle-ups and full squat snatches. It follows a descending rep scheme, starting with 9 reps of each movement, then 7, and finally 5. Amanda tests an athlete’s gymnastics skills, Olympic lifting technique, and overall power output. The combination of these high-skill movements makes this workout particularly demanding, both technically and physically.
Scoring Ranges
- Beginner: 12+ minutes (with scaled movements)
- Intermediate: 8-12 minutes
- Advanced: 5-8 minutes
- Elite: Under 5 minutes
Workout Strategy and Tips
Strategy: The key to Amanda is pacing and technique efficiency. The muscle-ups are often the limiting factor for many athletes, so managing fatigue on these is crucial.
A common approach is:
- Muscle-ups: Break into small sets early to avoid burning out.
- Squat snatches: Aim for unbroken sets if possible, using touch-and-go technique to maintain rhythm.
Remember, transitions between movements are crucial. Minimize rest time to keep your heart rate up.
General tips:
- Warm up thoroughly, especially your shoulders, core, and hips.
- Practice your muscle-up and squat snatch technique before attempting the workout.
- Use a hook grip for squat snatches to maintain your grip as you fatigue.
- Focus on efficient kipping technique for muscle-ups to conserve energy.
Beginner tips:
- Master the foundational movements before attempting Amanda at full scale.
- Use scaling options to keep intensity high while building capacity.
- Focus on proper form for squat snatches, even if it means going slower.
Advanced/Elite tips:
- Push for unbroken sets, especially in the final round of 5 reps.
- Minimize transition time between movements and reps.
- Practice cycling squat snatches efficiently at workout weight.
Scaling Options
- Reduce squat snatch weight (e.g., 95/65 lb, or even lighter).
- Use resistance bands for assisted muscle-ups.
- Muscle-ups: Pull-ups + dips, or chest-to-bar pull-ups.
- Squat snatches: Power snatches, or dumbbell snatches at a lighter weight.
- Reduce the rep scheme (e.g., 7-5-3 instead of 9-7-5).
- Increase the weight but reduce the reps for a strength-focused variant.
Variant Workouts
- “Heavy Amanda”: Same structure, but with heavier squat snatches (155/105 lb).
- “Cluster Amanda”: Replace squat snatches with cluster lifts (clean + thruster).
- “Amanda .45”: Same movements and weights as Amanda, but with a 13-11-9-7-5 rep scheme.